In some web applications, a html tag Id is dynamically generated for
each user session. When using Selenium to identify the element, using
locators such as Id, name, xpath may not work because the dynamic Id
pattern changes constantly.
One option would be to use Regular Expression in Xpath or with other locators and locate the element. Before creating a generic regular expression, you need to validate the Regular Expression to make sure that the pattern of the regular expression covers all the possible scenarios. For example, in the user registration form below, the id changes and it has a pattern like "userId_mm_dd_yyyy_{5 digit random number}. We can use this pattern below when finding the userId Element.

Here is the Java code to validate regular expression for this pattern.
Step 1: Create a Java Project, add a package, add a class "", add a TestNG class "" and define testng.xml.

Step 2: write the code in the class
Step 3: write the code in the class
Step 4: run the test as TestNG Test.

Step 5: see the result below and console output. The result showed that all the valid userId and invalid userId tests passed for each data set in the validation, so we can use the pattern below in the element locator.

Console Output
One option would be to use Regular Expression in Xpath or with other locators and locate the element. Before creating a generic regular expression, you need to validate the Regular Expression to make sure that the pattern of the regular expression covers all the possible scenarios. For example, in the user registration form below, the id changes and it has a pattern like "userId_mm_dd_yyyy_{5 digit random number}. We can use this pattern below when finding the userId Element.
UserIdPattern="userid_[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{5}"; |
Here is the Java code to validate regular expression for this pattern.
Step 1: Create a Java Project, add a package, add a class "", add a TestNG class "" and define testng.xml.
Step 2: write the code in the class
package com.seleniummaster.regularexpression; |
package com.seleniummaster.regularexpression; |
Step 5: see the result below and console output. The result showed that all the valid userId and invalid userId tests passed for each data set in the validation, so we can use the pattern below in the element locator.
UserIdPattern="userid_[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{1,2}_[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{5}"; |
UserId is valid : userid_4_23_2005_85083 , true
UserId is valid : userid_11_13_2000_31277 , true
UserId is valid : userid_8_27_2014_83046 , true
UserId is valid : userid_12_24_2006_63060 , true
UserId is valid : userid_9_8_2000_56086 , true
UserId is valid : userid_7_7_2005_30338 , true
UserId is valid : userid_10_15_2006_54936 , true
UserId is valid : userid_9_14_2014_65261 , true
UserId is valid : userid_1_30_2010_64475 , true
UserId is valid : userid_2_1_2004_58032 , true
UserId is valid : userid_8_4_2010_26849 , true
UserId is valid : userid_10_19_2012_23906 , true
UserId is valid : userid_5_29_2004_60408 , true
UserId is valid : userid_6_6_2011_82682 , true
UserId is valid : userid_6_13_2005_32055 , true
UserId is valid : userid_12_17_2013_76612 , true
UserId is valid : userid_3_22_2001_41024 , true
UserId is valid : userid_12_3_2010_51135 , true
UserId is valid : userid_4_13_2002_50477 , true
UserId is valid : userid_9_25_2014_10160 , true
UserId is valid : userid_5_9_2009_18337 , true
UserId is valid : userid_4_8_2002_42764 , true
UserId is valid : userid_5_29_2003_37048 , true
UserId is valid : userid_12_16_2002_97276 , true
Valid User Id Validation Test Completed
UserId is valid : userid_108_28_2014_5815 , false
UserId is valid : userid_104_8_2011_4572 , false
UserId is valid : userid_101_12_2001_4319 , false
UserId is valid : userid_114_10_2012_2718 , false
UserId is valid : userid_112_11_2011_6250 , false
UserId is valid : userid_118_7_2000_9750 , false
UserId is valid : userid_117_11_2007_4355 , false
UserId is valid : userid_108_12_2005_3010 , false
UserId is valid : userid_113_21_2013_5157 , false
UserId is valid : userid_112_7_2013_7582 , false
UserId is valid : userid_103_15_2006_3962 , false
UserId is valid : userid_117_13_2011_4727 , false
UserId is valid : userid_109_5_2001_7123 , false
UserId is valid : userid_103_12_2009_5901 , false
UserId is valid : userid_111_19_2002_9712 , false
UserId is valid : userid_119_1_2008_5702 , false
UserId is valid : userid_105_12_2002_6523 , false
UserId is valid : userid_100_25_2000_1151 , false
UserId is valid : userid_107_5_2006_4363 , false
UserId is valid : userid_108_1_2010_5425 , false
UserId is valid : userid_113_12_2011_6270 , false
UserId is valid : userid_108_26_2000_7718 , false
UserId is valid : userid_120_3_2003_3281 , false
UserId is valid : userid_118_29_2003_4848 , false
Invalid User Id Validation Test Completed