1. Display total content from a web-table
2. Write java program for string reverse
3. Difference between RC & Web Driver
4. Specify different synchronization types in selenium
5. List out all the annotations in TestNG
6. Write the TestNG.xml structure
7. In how many ways we can pass data using sendkeys
8. List out some exceptions in selenium
9. How to pick an element form drop down list
10. Display total number of options in a drop down list
11. STLC
12. How many types of frameworks in testing(automation)
13. Explain about staleelement exception
14. How to deal frames
15. How to handle an element which is not having any property values
16. URL="https://code.google.com/p/selenium/downloads/list?can=1&q="----replace "/" with "-" in this URL.
17. Explain "xpath axis"
18. Differentiate relative & absolute xpath
19. How to deal multiple windows
20. Explain maven commands
21. How methods get executed in TestNG
22. How many ways are there to select an element from a drop down
23. List all the locators in selenium
24. Explain something about page object model
25. Write syntax for explicit & implicit wait