Creating a Simple Selenium – Java project in Eclipse
This post will help the selenium users-Beginners to setup the selenium project and execute a simple WebDriver script

Steps To Create a Selenium Project in Eclipse

Step 1: Download Eclipse

Step 2: Creating a New Java Project in Eclipse IDE

Step 3: Enter a Project Name E.g:SampleDemo

Step 4: Creating a New Package
Right Click on the New Java Project created → New→ Package

Step 5: Type In a New Package Name E.g:com.selenium.example

Step 6: Creating a New Java Class file.
Right Click on the Newly created Package → New → Class

Step 7:Type In a Name for your Java Class file,
click on the check box for “public static void main (String args[])”
Click on Finish

Step 8: The Java class file is created and ready for Java Scripting.

Now, We need to add the Selenium Library files to our project
Step 9: Download the selenium server from the website.

Step 10: Click on Downloads Tab and then click on the link as highlighted in the screenshot
Step 11: Save the jar file in a specific Location E.g C:/Selenium

Step 12: Configuring Build Path.
Right Click on the package → Build Path → Configure Build Path

Step 13: Click on Libraries tab → Add External Jar’s

Step 14: The jar files should be loaded from the C:/Selenium folder (or where you have saved the downloaded Jar file from Seleniumhq website) to our Eclipse Workspace and should look as in the screenshot

Step 15:We can also verify by expanding the Referenced Libraries in the Project Explorer that, whether the Jar file is added properly

Step 16: Now, our Eclipse is ready for Selenium Scripting :-)
Web Driver object initialization as WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();
As in the below Screenshot

You may see errors, but that’s not a problem here is how we resolve it.

Step 17: Mouse Hover near the WebDriver error line you will see an Auto suggest Option, you will find Import WebDriver.
Click on Import WebDriver –Now the error will be vanished.

Step 18: Now Mouse Hover near the Firefox Driver, and you will get an autosuggest option.
Click on the Import FirefoxDriver option the suggested list