Below code will convert date format in QTP. To verify the dates, you must have actual and expected dates in same format.
So you must convert the dates in a typical format like ddmmyyyy or mmddyyyy etc.
Below function will get the date in mm/dd/yyyy format.
Call Getdate("T") - will return todays date
Call Getdate("T+1") - will return tommorrow's date
Call Getdate("T-1") - Will return previous day's date.
you can calculate any future or past date with this example.
Function GetDate(byval curvalue)
If ucase(curvalue) = "T" Then
curvalue = curvalue & "+0"
End If
If instr(1,curvalue,"+") > 0 Then
arrdate = split(curvalue,"+")
retDate = dateadd("d",arrdate(1),now)
strmonth = month(cdate(retDate))
strday = day(cdate(retDate))
stryear = year(cdate(retDate))
If len(strmonth) = 1 Then
strmonth = "0" & strmonth
End If
If len(strday) = 1 Then
strday = "0" & strday
End If
arrdate = split(curvalue,"-")
curDate = - cint(arrdate(1))
retDate = dateadd("d",curDate,now)
strmonth = month(cdate(retDate))
strday = day(cdate(retDate))
stryear = year(cdate(retDate))
If len(strmonth) = 1 Then
strmonth = "0" & strmonth
End If
If len(strday) = 1 Then
strday = "0" & strday
End If
End If
If Ucase(strParameter1) = "YYYY-MM-DD" Then
GetDate = stryear & "-" & strmonth & "-" & strday
GetDate = strmonth & "/" & strday & "/" & stryear
End If
End Function